International Conference on Recovery and Reconstruction


As a joint event of the LIRLAP (Linking disaster risk governance and land-use planning, see and the KAHR (Climate Adaptation, Flood, Resilience, see projects, an international conference on recovery and reconstruction took place at TU Dortmund University on July 4th, 2023. Both projects are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Aim was discussed research results, lessons learned and successful interventions from hazard events, especially flooding. Topics was shared of problem-solving expertise, approaches of hazard and risk modelling, urban development and mainstreaming approaches and strategies for upgrading and resettlement as well as mainstreaming of disaster risk management at all policy levels.

Now the final conference program is fixed. Many exciting presentations are planned – and in between there is always time for discussions. We would therefore be very happy to welcome more participants. Please register via Wolfgang Scholz until June 28th at ( jbystnat.fpubym@gh-qbegzhaq.qr ).

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Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 25.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 25.09.

Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 28.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

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