Together with Prof. Dr Mathias Garschagen, Dr Barbara Demeterova, Liss Bethany and PhD student Lena Grobusch (all LMU Munich) as well as Hannes Lauer, IREUS, University of Stuttgart, dir. Wolfgang Scholz participated in the SURE Status Seminar 2023 in Bangkok at the end of September. All ten BMBF-funded projects of the Sustainable Urban Regions (SURE) programme met there and discussed their project progress, highlights, and further work steps until the beginning of 2025. Dr Wolfgang Scholz also gave one of the two input presentations to the panel discussion "Urban Planning and Decision-Making Towards Sustainability". The focus was on the role that urban planning in the Global South can play in climate adaptation measures and how resilient, liveable, and inclusive cities can be created through forward-looking urban planning. However, the problems of climate adaptation under conditions of poverty and informality must also be seen as co-decisive.
In addition to the exchange with the other projects, which also work in cities in Southeast Asia, the LIRLAP team was also pleased to see the project partners of Thamassat University Prof. Dr Wijitbusaba (Ann) Marome and Nontarit Bejrananda again and took the opportunity for intensive work phases.
Following the two-day conference in Bangkok, the LIRLAP team travelled on to Manila for project work. There, Dr Wolfgang Scholz was able to agree with the Dean Prof. Dr Dina Magnaye and the head of the PhD program Prof. Dr Karen Ja-goon on further steps of the joint doctoral program of the Faculty of Spatial Planning with the School of Urban and Regional Planning, as well as to sound out funding opportunities for students with the local representative of the DAAD. In preparation for the pilot study on resilient resettlement areas and the preparation of the ongoing F-project F03, Hannes Lauer discussed options for cooperation with Analyn Borbe, Vice President of the local Montalban Action Group, and with the BASE Bahay Foundation, which is funded by the Hilti Foundation.