Participation, Co-Learning and Co-Creation

Participation, co-learning and co-creation are essential in promoting collaboration and innovation in sustainable urban and regional development. These approaches enable a more comprehensive involvement of heterogeneous actors, creating an environment in which different perspectives can be considered, and solutions can be jointly developed (e.g.,  GreenCityLabHuế or Build4People). Instead of hierarchical top-down governance,  the focus is on the needs and ideas of target groups with special requirements. Knowledge production occurs in the conceptual sense of actionable knowledge.

These approaches form the cornerstone of the SURE collaborative projects. Within the projects, co-learning and co-creation processes are promoted through which solutions in the context of climate change and adaptation are developed together with local actors in Southeast Asia and China. One example is the living lab approach, which avoids hierarchies between science and practice and instead promotes dialogues between all stakeholders (e.g., in URA, PolyUrbanWaters or LIRLAP). Local project offices facilitate co-design, co-development, and co-production processes and their solutions as well as co-dissemination of results (e.g., in FloodAdaptVN). Through co-learning and co-creation processes, knowledge, skills and resources are exchanged between actors and bundled in a targeted manner.

ParticipationCo LearningundCo Creation

More Cross-Cutting Issues

Local and Cultural Context

Consideration of the local-specific characteristics is an important prerequisite for generating tailored and effective solutions with a high degree of adaptability in sustainable and resilient regional development.

Implementation and Transformative Practices


Transformative practices are the long-term transfer of new abilities and technical solutions for sustainable development of urban regions into the practical activities of local actors.

Dealing With Uncertainties


The complex environmental, social, and economic challenges and their interdependencies are inherent to research on sustainability and require holistic and prudent approaches to deal with uncertainties.