The first volume of the SURE Solutions Publication Series focuses on the theme: Transdisciplinary Challenges in Sustainable Development of Urban Regions. Contributions in this volume explore the premises on which project concepts are created, how multinational partnerships are successfully established, and the specific challenges addressed.
SURE Solutions
The SURE publication series, “SURE Solutions – Sustainable Development of Urban Regions” establishes a platform for transdisciplinary and transformative research focused on sustainable urban development in South-East Asia and China. It explores how sustainable development is understood and implemented in various local contexts. This series provides an accessible way for SURE project partners to share their findings and bridge research with practical application, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with local stakeholders. Co-authorship with local partners serves as a key review criterion.
The publication is in English, with summaries available in local languages (Thai, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Khmer, Laotian, Burmese, Indonesian). It facilitates communication and synthesis across projects, welcoming contributions that take a cross-project perspective or involve multiple authors.
“SURE Solutions” complements regular scientific publications by acting as a curated digest or almanac of relevant project outcomes. It is available online and open access. Each issue includes contributions from all SURE-funded projects and 1-2 editorial pieces.
Contributions follow these formats:
- Research paper: Scientific paper presenting key questions, theoretical approaches, and research findings.
- Solutions or activity report: Article highlighting key solutions or outcomes with a focus on practical applications.
- News column: Reporting notable activities or achievements.
- Snapshot: Introducing a key local stakeholder involved in the project.