Integrated Planning and Development

Planning can be defined as the process of creating and executing plans. In this respect, development is the act of developing or the state of being developed. To integrate is to combine one thing with another.  Integrated Planning and Development is an approach looking at how an organisation can plan across multiple functions, levels, locations, and other natural or artificial divisions.  It is closely connected with the complex nature of the cities and regions and necessity of creating sustainable and resilient settlements.  Key aspects of Integrated Planning and Development are the increased awareness to action, a collective organizational effort, and the transformative and strengthening character of the process.

Examples of integrated planning and development are object of several projects of the SURE funding priority and can result in concepts for regional green belts and their ecosystem services as in the IMECOGIP Project or designed and visualized scenarios and recommendations and spatial interventions in water-sensitive cities and regions as in the PolyUrbanWaters Project.

Icon Planing

More Focus Topics

Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions

Element 1Ecosystem Services and Nature based Solutions

Ecosystem services are defined as those services and processes through which natural ecosystems and their components sustain and fulfil human life.

Risk Management and Risk Reduction

Icon Risk Management & Risk Reduction

Risk Management and Reduction is a process in which at risk communities are actively engaged in the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.

Urban-Rural Nexus

Icon Urban Rural Nexus

The urban-rural nexus refers to the reciprocal flows between cities and surrounding areas of people, goods, services, money, and environmental services.