Reflections on the 13th Synergy Workshop on „Local Action and Impact“ conducted by the SURE F&SR team at the Competence Centre for Sustainable Building at the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering on 1 November.
The researchers of the SURE projects GreenCityLabHuế, PolyUrbanWaters and LIRLAP shared their experiences on impact monitoring in the field and the challenges they encounter in their projects. To reflect on these issues the participants had the opportunity to test the SURE Reflection Toolbox. The F&SR team thanks for valuable feedback of the SURE projects, which helps to continuously refine the reflection tools to better integrate them into the project work of transformative urban research projects.
A special thank you goes to Binh Minh Hoang from GreenCityLabHuế for the in-depth insights into the project and her mindful guidance through Huế’s relentless rain! A lot of learnings have been taken from the challenges of heavy rainfall, the involvement of diverse stakeholders including experimental student designs for green facades, and the vast potential of green-blue infrastructure in the city, which has been beautifully revealed through the project’s various showcases.