Synergy Workshop 4 »Sustainable Research – Technology Overview and Data Lifecycle«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project


The SURE Synergy Workshop 4 focused on digital technologies and data management in SURE collaborative projects and within the SURE framework. The workshop’s intention was multifold: it aimed to explore and exchange digital tools (open-source or commercial) and technologies developed and used in the SURE collaborative projects that help and contribute to your research work. On the other hand, the workshop aimed to reflect on the data management approaches in the collaborative projects and facilitate a discussion on data sharing and management within the projects.

In the first part of the event, participants listened to an impulse talk given by the guest speaker Dobroslav Totev who gave an insight into the Toolbox of Digital City Science. The second part of the workshop consisted of two parallel ‘pitch’ presentations and group discussions. The 10 collaborative project representatives were asked to share their projects experiences on two topics: »Technology Stack Exchange« and »Data Pipeline«. The parallel sessions were followed by a summary of the main discussion points to open the floor for the final remarks of the participants.


Dobroslav Totev, HafenCity University Hamburg | Digital City Science, Germany

Key Topics

  • Appropriate technologies and their use cases
  • Data management and data lifecycle
  • Challenging data and data challenges
  • Validity of data
  • Data sharing

Practical Takeaways

  • Data generation and processing tools vary according to application and discipline
  • The collection and use of data must be transparent
  • Data is highly sensitive: responsibility to protect data as „information is power“
  • The collected data and tools should be accessible to local stakeholders

Insights into the Working Group Results:

Screenshot Miro Board

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Weitere Veranstaltungen

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SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

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SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

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