Synergy Workshop 8 »Cooperation leading to successful implementations«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research team invites all the SURE members to the next Synergy Workshop on “Cooperation leading to successful implementations” taking place on 15 February 2023 between 9:00 – 12:00 h (CET).

The 8th  synergy workshop aims at networking the SURE collaborative projects with other international projects dealing with similar challenges to promote an exchange on their experiences. The exchange of experience and knowledge is intended to facilitate the dissemination of results and the sustainable implementation of tested solutions. Designs for cooperations and the transferability of solutions to other regions or countries are the main topics of the workshop.

Invited international implementation experts

  • Mariele Evers, Institute of Geography at the University of Bonn, UNESCO – Chair in Human-Water-Systems
  • Tarryn Quale, Climate Change and Water Resources Management, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Africa
  • Ernit van Wyk, Social-Ecological Systems, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

are active in several African countries and their work focus on nature-, technology- and community-based solutions for biodiversity, restoration, resilience and risk management.
Their implementation activities concentrate on cooperation with local actors and work across regions and the SURE collaborative projects are able to benefit from a valuable exchange of experiences and gain ideas for sustainable and resilient solutions in Southeast Asia and China.

You can download the presentations of the keynote speakers here on this Website.

Invited are all the German and Asian project partners.

The language used in the event is English.

The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research team is looking forward to lively discussions and valuable insights during the workshop!


Agenda Synergy Workshop 2023

PDF | 57,66 kB

Flynn_INTERACT-Bio:Lessons on collaboration and transferability

PDF | 5,29 MB

Quayle_Urban Natural Assets for Africa

PDF | 1,28 MB

Evers_The PARADeS approach

PDF | 3,58 MB

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Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

Weitere Veranstaltungen

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SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

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SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

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