FloodAdaptVN Workshop - “Collaboration for Advanced Risk Management: Shaping a Resilient Future Together”

On June 4th, 2024, the FloodAdaptVN consortium hosted a workshop in Huế City to discuss the risk information system FRAME with key stakeholders from Thừa Thiên Huế Province. The so-called FRAME (Flood Risk Adaptation Measures & Evaluation) is a system designed for assessing flood risks. It integrates various aspects of the FloodAdaptVN project, including risk assessment, modeling, and evaluation of flood risk re-duction measures. FRAME aims to collect and analyze comprehensive information to support planning and decision-making for improved flood management. Participants provided valuable recommendations for finalizing FRAME and discussed its potential applications and integration into their work routines. The future implementation phase of FloodAdaptVN were also discussed to ensure they align with local needs.

To the event

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Einverständnis Side Event 25.09.

Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 28.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

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