Project Update 16 – Integrated Stormwater Management: Learnings from Hamburg/Germany


Linnea Foelster Hamburg Wasser/German Water Partnership shares with a national experts experiences of integrated stormwater management in context of water wise city development of Hamburg.

The regional ministry is planing an urban development to modernise a big area and to construct houses for > 5000 people. After receiving the first vision of the urban development, the water operator HAMBURG WASSER investigates about the water, waste water and rain- and stormwater situation and needs.

1) After a comprehensive analysis of stormwater hot pots,

2) flow regimes of strom water is detected.

3) Multifunctional areas are identified were storm water can be drained and in the same the key prurpose such as sport activities can ensured.

4) Effective, attractive architectural and technical design contributes sgnificantly to the livability of the city.


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