Insightful Exchange with Local Administration of Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ambov District

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On 14 March 2022, several members of the Build4People team and select representatives of Phnom Penh Capital Administration paid a visit to the local administration of the Chbar Ambov district which has experienced rapid urbanization in recent years, mostly driven by large developer companies. This contributed to an increase of socio-economic fragmentation and many environmental problems.

By means of thematic planning tables the team intensively discussed issues of sustainable urban development with the staff of the Chbar Ambov district administration.

It became clear that the level of local administration is in urgent need of strengthening their capacities and of increasing their human resources to deal with all of these pressing issues. At the end of our exchange, the Build4People team expressed its sincere wish to become part of these capacity building efforts.

2022 03 14 B4P ECT Kick Off Group Chbar Ambov Group 01 Logo scaled

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