The URA Raumbild Workshop Series aims to develop sustainable development pathways for the study region in Huangyan-Taizhou on the basis of our scientific analyses through the “Raumbild 图 景 共 构” approach. The series is intended to strengthen URA internal collaboration and to serve as a preparation for the upcoming Multi-Actor Workshops in Huangyan (08/23, 03/24), in which the sustainable development strategiesare are to be discussed and elaborated in abroader circle of local and trans-local actors.
The 1st URA Raumbild Workshop was held in Berlin on January 26, 2023. The workshop focused on summarising and joint spatial mapping of the existing research results of WP2 – 6 on the Urban-Rural Living Lab (URLL) #1 – Beiyang Town.
The 2nd URA Raumbild Workshop was held on March 30, 2023 in Berlin. During the workshop, URA researchers developed trans-local actor-networks and preliminary future visions for the study region based on the results of the first workshop and their interdisciplinary insights.
The 3rd URA Raumbild Workshop was held on May 3/4, 2023 in Weimar. In addition to the researchers and PIs of the German URA consortium, representativesof the Chinese partner universities, UN-Habitat, ICLEI EA and the Observer City of Chengdu as well as City of Nordhausen participated in the workshop. The date was coordinated with the international StadtLand Conference in Apolda on May 4/5. The aim of the workshop was to jointly discuss and further develop the interim results of the Raumbild approach in the living labs in China and Germany. The participation of the Chinese partners also facilitated in-depth discussions on the feasibility of the developed strategies in Huangyan-Taizhou. Priorities for further collaborative work on the Raumbild can be derived from these valuable discussions.